Thomas J. Manning (Thomas III)
Marjamin Manning
Cathryn Manning
I know about Thomas Manning III and have documented him fairly well. You can read about him in the August 10, 2008 entry. I haven't yet looked at Cathryn Manning, but today I spent some time learning about Marjamin Manning. You may recall that Thomas Manning III had a son named Margamin Manning who died while a Prisoner of War. It appears he was named after his uncle, Marjamin.
Marjamin Manning was born in 1805 in South Carolina and died May 16, 1882 in Milledgeville, Georgia. He was married to Elizabeth Champion. Their children were:
Eliza Ann Manning (1825- October 14, 1906) She married Horatio Tatum (Sept. 1821-February 9, 1908). Their children were John, James, William A., Sarah, Hugh and Robert J. Horatio Tatum is noted to have been the sheriff of Dawson County, Georgia. I also found a picture of him sitting in front of McClure Mercantile in Dawson County with some other men. Here is the picture. He is the third from the right. The picture was posted on the Digital Georgia web site.

Hannah Manning (1831-1860). Hannah married Newton Harbin.
Massey Caroline Manning (1835- ). Caroline married William C. Anderson.
Mary Emily Manning (May 18, 1828-September 6, 1900). Mary married Henry Clifton Talley ( January 31, 1827-June 30, 1890). Both Mary and Henry died in Sparks, Bell County, Texas and are buried at the Volo Cemetery.
Sarah Manning (October 22, 1832-March 20, 1911). Sarah first married Sylvester Edwards (1829-1862). They had three children: Jasper, Nancy and Kiziah. Sylvester Edwards died July 24, 1862 in General Hospital #8 in Richmond, Va. as the result of a Civil War injury. He served with the 38th Regiment, Co. I, of the Georgia Volunteer Infantry. After his death, Sarah remarried to William Riley Sluder (1811- Novemeber 17, 1917). I haven't found that they had children. William Sluder served with Sylvester Edwards, Sarah's first husband, in the 38th Regiment, Co. I, of the Georgia Volunteer Infantry. William was captured at Spotsylvania, Va. May 12, 1864, paroled Febryary 1865 and then exchanged May 10, 1866 at Boulware & Cox's Wharves on the James River.
Nancy Manning (August 30, 1840-January 15, 1919). Nancy married Tyre Harden.
Kissiah R. Manning (1845- ) married William P. Gregory.
There are several interesting records about Marjamin Manning. In August 1860, the Grand Jury of Dawson County charged him and nine other men with Riot because they cursed, threw rocks at and hollered at people in the town square. They also beat up Henry Houser, the grocer. Marjamin was found guilty and sentenced to pay a $100 fine or serve 4 months in jail. It's unclear whether he paid the fine or went to jail.
He and his wife Elizabeth donated land for the First Baptist Church of Dawsonville.
An interesting but unclear issue about Marjamin is that he died May 16, 1882 in Milledgeville, Baldwin County, Georgia in an insane asylum. His son in law, William Sluder, husband of Sarah Manning, was appointed his guardian because he was insane. He apparently had a will that was probated May 31, 1882, but I have not yet found that record. It is sad that two Mannings named Marjamin/Margamin died in very unfavorable locations. Marjamin in the Milledgesville Insane Asylum and Margamin at Camp Douglas as a Prisoner of War. The descriptions of Milledgesville Asylum are really horrible and sound very much like the conditions at Camp Douglas. Both were filthy, people were bound in chains, the food was rationed or not available. There was suffering and sickness in both. I will tell you more about Milledgesville in another blog entry.
I am the great granddaughter of Kissiah Manning and William P. Gregory. Their son, James Andrew Gregory(also known as Andrew James Gregory) traveled to Oklahoma about 1903 and married Laura P. Tharp in 1910. It was his 2nd marriage (first wife died). He and Laura had 6 children; Bertha, Walter, Elmer, Myrtle, Clyde and Roy. I am the daughter of Bertha. William P. Gregory is buried in Oklahoma, but I believe that Kissiah returned to Georgia sometime after his death.
Thank you for the information. Do you have other Manning family history information? You can email me at if you would like.
My 4G grandfather was Horatio Tatum. He married Eliza Ann Manning, dau of Marjamin & Elizabeth Champion. My father's sister has done extensive research on the Tatums. I'm currently entering the info into I wondered if I might have persmission to use your photo of Horatio and some of the information about Marjamin. I would gladly give you credit for anything you allow me to use.
Kiziah died in 1944 at the age of 99. She is buried near Birmingham, Alabama at Little Vine Cemetery. She left Oklahoma and lived with her children in various places until her death. In 1910, she was still in Oklahoma, at the time of WWI, she was in Kansas, in 1920 she was living in Georgia with William, in 1930, in Arkansas with Ella, and in 1940, with her oldest son Charlie in Alabama.
It seems living with children was a family tradition, as my great-grandmother Ella, did the same thing with her children from 1940 until her death, also at age 99, in 1974.
Regina Cooper
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