The children of William Manning and Nancy Thomas Manning include:
Elizabeth Manning born 1795 in South Carolina. She married Edmund Bridges.
Kizziah Manning born 1797 in South Carolina. She married Benjamin Roden.
Atha Manning born 1798 in South Carolina. She married David Ricketts.
Thomas M. Manning born 1802 in South Carolina. He married twice and his first wife's name is unkown. His second wife was Lucinda Parker.
Lewis Manning born 1804 in South Carolina. He married Mahala Murphy.
Mary Manning born 1811 in South Carolina. She married William Baker.
Nancy Manning born 1811 in South Carolina. She married Josiah Tidwell.
I found one researcher online who said that the family of William Manning moved from South Carolina and traveled with the Roden and Ricketts families to Alabama. The family history of the William Manning family was given to me by the widow of Raymond Manning (1924-2004).
There are some interesting stories about these families. Benjamin Roden, his son Portland Roden and several other Roden's died in the Buck Island Massacre. They were attacked by Northern soldiers and murdered. The Roden's wintered their cattle on Buck Island and were there to watch over them. Some say the Roden's were thrown into the river after being murdered, they are buried at the Roden Cemetery.
Annie Manning married John Rollings. John shot and killed Annie's father William Manning during an argument. William had helped set up John Rollings and another fellow in business. John also shot and killed Tom Roden. Annie married Billie Roden after her marriage to John Rollings.
In January of 1858, The Eagle newspaper of Guntersville, AL was bought by Dr. William Ricketts, Samuel Manning and W. W. Beasley. After Dr. Ricketts and Mr. Beasley withdrew, Samuel Manning ran the newspaper until December of 1859. Thomas Manning, father of William Manning, was also a businessman. He is said to have been a merchant and had the firm Jordan and Manning.
The William Manning family settled near Guntersville, Alabama and had a lovely big home called The White Elephant. They were plantation owners. Many Mannings are buried on the plantation in Honeycomb Valley, Marshall County, Alabama. This is a picture of their home.

I know she will appreciate it.
I am a descendant of William H. Rollings (Coon). He was my great grandfather. My grandfather was his son, William H. (called B.D.). I think all of the Rollings in that line changed the spelling of the last name to Rawlins. They were probably trying to distance themselves from John "Killing John" Rollings. I have more info on John is you would like to have it.
Yes, I would love to have more information about John and the rest of your family. You can email me at Thanks so much for your comments.
Sharon Brown
Thanks Kathe,
Email me at
Sharon Brown
Just saw your comment - will write to you tomorrow.
I just heard about the Buck Island Massacre. I am a descendant of the Rodens. What a horrific story.
I have some very old photos of some Rodens. I found them on and would be happy to send them to you. You can email me at and I can forward them to you.
I am the greatgrandson of William Henry B D Rawlins via his first wife Maymie Kirby Rollins and her daughter Alma Gertrude Gullatt Kirby Rollins Fraley. I would like some information on William Henry B D Rawlins d 1953 in Elmo, Kaufman, TX A lot is missing. Thankyou. Sincerely, Michael " Gullatt-( Harper) Kirby ( Brown-Freeman-Parks) Rollings-Rawlins ( Martin-Johnson-Lewis-Kirby) email:
I am the greatgrandson of William Henry B D Rawlins of Alabama by way of his first wife Maymie Gullatt Kirby Rollins and via her daughter my grandmother Alma Gertrude Gullatt Kirby Rollins Fraley. I would like information about B D's life including why he used B D. Please send it to
I’m a direct defendant also of Benjamin Roden. I was born & Raised in Gunsterville and never knew.
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