I recently acquired this photo. On the back is written, "Jack LeFlore, Louis LeFlore youngest son". Louis Leflore had a son named Jackson who died in 1854 at about age 39. The man in this photo looks older than 39 years. The photo was found among other documents that once belonged to a descendant of Clarissa LeFlore.
Jackson LeFlore is said to have married Caroline and had children Solomon Leflore, Daniel LeFlore and Mary LeFlore. Solomon LeFlore married Susan Juzan, daughter of Francis Juzan. Their children are said to have been Mary W., Luvertus (Lubertha), Martha and Bettie.
If you know something more about Jackson LeFlore, Caroline LeFlore, Solomon LeFlore, Daniel LeFlore or any of their offspring, I would like to hear from you. If you know the identity of the man in the photo, please leave your comment and I will contact you.
Hello, I only recently found this post, but I think I can help a little. I am a descendant of Solomon Lefleur's daughter Lubertha. I have recently begun researching my family's history and would love to get to another perspective as well as add some info.
I would love to hear from you. Please email me at skbrownrn@aol.com
please contact me @..... serraangel1@msn.com
I am very interested in this photo and we might be able to help each other
Hello i am part of the Leflore Blood Line as well. I am related to Solomons sister Mary. Please email at tayaa24@gmail.com. If you have any other pictures please let me know. I have a few.
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