Happy Birthday Kristin
I know Mother's Day is in May, but today I'm celebrating Mother's Day. Today is my daughter's birthday. She was born in 1968. While reflecting on her birthday, I just couldn't help but think of the other Mothers on the Maternal side of her family. The picture above is a picture of my daughter, Kristin, when she was about three months old.
Next is a picture of me, her Mother about the time Kristin was born.

Then, there is my Mother, Naomi. She is Kristin's Maternal Grandmother.
Following Naomi, is Mary Harris. Mary was Kristin's Maternal Great Grandmother.
Following Mary, is Mattie Hurst Alexander. She was Kristin's Maternal Great Great Grandmother.
Except for Mattie Hurst Alexander, all the Mothers pictured had the pleasure and honor of holding and cuddling Kristin as she was growing up. Great Grandmother Mary lived to age 100, so she got to wish Kristin many Happy Birthdays.
Sharon, this was a wonderful post. It has inspired me to do something of the same for Teri. What a young looking mother you were!
Thank you. I spent the day looking at pictures of Kristin as a child and then she and I went to lunch. The idea for the post just seemed appropriate. I'm glad you liked it. Sharon
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